Disclosure: I worked for the Lamont campaign doing web design and production and some writing for the official blog (from 9/5/06 to 11/07/06).
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Joementum in June
According to the new SUSA tracking poll, Lieberman's approval/disapproval among Democrats is now in negative territory for the first time ever at 46/50, sinking 10 points since last month:

His approval/disapproval among liberals is down to an astounding 40/56:

His approval/disapproval among liberals is down to an astounding 40/56:

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~The party's over........
~It's time to call it a day........
~They've burst your pretty balloon.......
~And taken the moon, away........
Start packing Joe. Rent the Ryder truck. You're going back to CT.
~It's time to call it a day........
~They've burst your pretty balloon.......
~And taken the moon, away........
Start packing Joe. Rent the Ryder truck. You're going back to CT.
Joementum isn't heading back to CT. He's staying with his friends, in some nice cushy Washington Lobbyist, as their 'Democrat' in residence. Or he'll accept a position in the Bush White House.
Or he'll move to NYC, so he can do snugglebunnies with Hannity and Coulter.
Or he'll move to NYC, so he can do snugglebunnies with Hannity and Coulter.
Start packing Joe. Rent the Ryder truck. You're going back to CT.
Would that it were so. I'm a DC-area Marylander cheering your effort on from a distance -- even though success on your part almost certainly means that Smokin' Joe will take up permanent residence in my area, shilling for some financial industry front group.
Not too much different from what he does now, really...
-- sglover
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Would that it were so. I'm a DC-area Marylander cheering your effort on from a distance -- even though success on your part almost certainly means that Smokin' Joe will take up permanent residence in my area, shilling for some financial industry front group.
Not too much different from what he does now, really...
-- sglover
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