Disclosure: I worked for the Lamont campaign doing web design and production and some writing for the official blog (from 9/5/06 to 11/07/06).

Friday, August 18, 2006


On Working To Defeat Democrats

Marion Steinfels, in June, defending a Lieberman campaign mailer attacking Ned Lamont for hiring independents Tom D'Amore and Bill Hillsman (and falsely claiming that D'Amore was Lamont's campaign manager):

“Ned Lamont has signed up a team of folks who worked over the years to defeat Democratic candidates. That is the point we are trying to make, and we are making."

Today, of course, Lieberman signed up a GOP consultant who has actually worked over the years to defeat Democratic candidates (and is now doing so again).

How does Dan Gerstein explain this one?
But didn't Marion get fired?

Maybe she got fired because she was off message.

Maybe what she meant was that Joey's anti-partisan petitioning candidacy was going to be partisan neutral and to do that:

"Joe has signed up a team of folks who worked over the years to defeat Democratic candidates. That is the point we are trying to make, and we are making."
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