Disclosure: I worked for the Lamont campaign doing web design and production and some writing for the official blog (from 9/5/06 to 11/07/06).
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Staying What Course?

The last time Joseph Lieberman faced a primary was in 1970, when he made his first bid for a state Senate seat.
In that race, Lieberman was the challenger, going up against an incumbent.
This year, the roles are reversed as Lieberman, a three-term incumbent U.S. senator, faces a primary challenge from Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont.
"I think people want a choice," Lamont told a group of about 75 people Wednesday night, at a forum sponsored by the Lower Connecticut River Forum. "I think people want a good debate, a civil debate, and they want to know how do we get ourselves out of this mess."
Lamont will declare his candidacy next month, hoping to ride an increasing wave of opposition to the war in Iraq and Lieberman's support of it.
"I think we all know that staying the course is the wrong answer," he said.
Lieberman has never had to defend his record to Democrats alone. He's always won elections with the help of his base conservative support among Republicans and Independents. And while Iraq isn't the only issue galvanizing Lamont's support within the party, it is the biggest one.
So given recent events in Iraq as the situation sprials ever downwards (even Bill O'Reilly is jumping ship), perhaps Joe would like to rethink and restate his position on the war as he spelled out in a Wall Street Journal op-ed three months ago (entitled "Our Troops Must Stay").
The truth is, Harry Reid's opinion of three months ago is only looking more and more valid:
"I've spoken to Joe Lieberman and he knows he's out there alone. I mean, literally alone. Joe is a fine man, he has strong feelings, but he's just alone. Even Republicans don’t agree with Joe."