Disclosure: I worked for the Lamont campaign doing web design and production and some writing for the official blog (from 9/5/06 to 11/07/06).

Sunday, October 29, 2006


On Seniority and Supporting the Party

Two takes. Stoller:

In the Lieberman-Lamont fight, there has been a fair amount of handwringing over why Lamont isn't blowing Joe out of the water. Why, if Joe lost to Lamont, isn't he losing in the general? Why did Lamont let Joe get away? Well there are a number of reasons, but among the most prominent is the total abandonment of Lamont by the party establishment. And let's be very clear - this is not Lamont that they are abandoning, it's the party primary voters that they are abandoning.

Here's the latest on Lieberman bragging about the seniority he'll have if he wins reelection. Make no mistake, these DC Democrats are only our temporary allies. They have total contempt for the rules of the party, and they cheered Joe after he faced us in the primary. It is no longer reasonable for them to call for party unity, because they no longer have any legitimate claim to call themselves leaders of the party....


But I wish folks talking about the glory of seniority would step outside of the conventional D.C. way of thinking for a moment… Look at this grassroots movement our campaign has built. Not just in Connecticut, but nationwide. Sure, Ned might enter the Senator tied for 95th in “seniority,” but he brings with him a legion of followers in each of the 50 states. The same legion that will follow his legislative career with the same zeal they stay abreat of campaign happenings....

Not only will Ned Lamont bring an entirely fresh perspective to the Senate, but a constituency far different from the DC lobbyists and political action committees that fund the campaigns of most representatives.

Who knows how much of a difference that will make, but we do know one thing: it’s time for change in D.C. It’s time for a different approach to getting things done and moving legislation in the capitol. Ned Lamont gives the people of Connecticut, and America, the best chance to change the course.

Lieberman talks a lot about his seniority and his status as a moderate politician that allows him to reach across the fence and work with the other side.

That sure has worked out great for us, hasn't it?
The Street Value of Lieberman's seniority is about ten percent of the value of his word. If the DSCC/DLC/DNC are paying good money after bad for it then they're bigger rubes than we thought.

I think I can safely say they are at a minimum completely divorced from the grass roots. Hard to believe but I got a call last week from the DNC/DLC/DSCC (whoever) asking for contributions for 2008. It took three tries to get the caller off script and listen to me about our focus and efforts being 200% on this election.

Sorry DSCC/DLC/DNC but it's Ned Lamont or nothing.

And the DCCC better be paying attention too.
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