Disclosure: I worked for the Lamont campaign doing web design and production and some writing for the official blog (from 9/5/06 to 11/07/06).

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Lieberman Bringing Down Congressional Dems?

Looking at 48 new polls just out today from Constituent Dynamics, it seems somethings going on in CT that is not going on in the rest of the country.

The polls as a whole show Democrats currently ahead in the House by 19 seats, or a Democratic landslide.

Yet in Connecticut, which was supposed to feature three of the most competetive races in the country, the only CT race that was polled (CT-5) shows Nancy Johnson (R) still ahead, outside the margin of error. It's not clear whether the other two races show similar results, as they were last polled in August. But as races across the country start breaking hard for Dems, there has been no such significant movement towards Farrell, Murphy, or Courtney in any recent polls I've seen.

What's so different about CT... perhaps the fact that one candidate who calls himself a Democrat is threatening to leave the party and spending millions of dollars attacking the Democratic party and the Democratic brand every day?
tparty wrote, "What's so different about CT... perhaps the fact that one candidate who calls himself a Democrat is threatening to leave the party and spending millions of dollars attacking the Democratic party and the Democratic brand every day?"

It seems that MoveOn.org, by running a dirtbag (I say this because he knowingly and willfully consorts with a racist and anti-Semite named Al Sharpton) like Lamont against one of the most-respected Democrats in the Senate, chose to create the situation about which you complain. You drove Lieberman out of your party, he didn't choose to leave it. You make your choices, you live with the consequences.

Furthermore, the widening scandal of MoveOn.org's anti-Semitic and racist hate speech at its Action Forum is going to bring down a lot of Democrats by November 7.

If MoveOn.org did not exist, Karl Rove would have to create it. However, I know that America-hater George Soros created it for the purpose of undermining our country.

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