Disclosure: I worked for the Lamont campaign doing web design and production and some writing for the official blog (from 9/5/06 to 11/07/06).

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


The Lieberman Party

A sneak preview of their website:

(Pre-emptive note to Lieberman campaign staff: this isn't real, much like Joe Lieberman didn't really morph into George Bush.)

Update: A commenter brings up an excellent point:

I heard Joe on NECN saying that he was running in the general election because the primary isn't a good indication of the will of Democratic Voters. But if Joe wins the primary would he still say the same thing?

Hey. Keep on asking the senator logical questions like that, and you too will be called a "harasser." (The NECN video is available at Spazeboy.net.)
Shouldn't that be "My Party" in the page header?
It's my party, and I'll whine if I want to
Whine if I want to, Whine if I want to
You would whine too if it happened to you
I heard Joe on NECN saying that he was running in the general election because the primary isn't a good indication of the will of Democratic Voters. But if Joe wins the primary would he still say the same thing?

And I assume there is a record of his trying to change the primary rules to something he believes is more of an indication of what the will of Democratic Voters is. Without that how can we know that this isn't just another lame line to get by the rules he agreed to by taking out papers for the primary?

But credit where it is due, this is the most creative he's been since he first went to the Senate 18 years ago.
Off the Joe/Ned subject for a moment, and onto the crappy ass job certain wimpy DLC type folks have done running the State Central Democratic Committee (while good but possibly wimpy ass progressive leadership stands by).... We knew when it was announced years ago that an August Primary was a stupid idea. There was a failed effort to fix it. Now every time Joe disses the August Primary Date, does Nancy move closer to working to change the month of future primaries ... or closer to changing her affiliation to the new Liebermans for Lieberman Party?
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